Phase one proves to be a huge success as community works together

Local government works together to successfully administer over 50,000 COVID vaccine shots

Sunday marked an important milestone in Odessa as Medical Center Hospital completed Phase 1 of the mass vaccination of Odessa residents.  Working together with City of Odessa staff and with the support of ECISD, OC and UTPB the MCH staff performed a near flawless roll-out of thousands of vaccine shots during the past few weeks at Ratliff Stadium.  In addition to paid staff, dozens of volunteers  worked tirelessly to provide support and encouragement to a small army of medical personnel to complete the shots.  Phase 2 now begins with the administration of second round booster shots and continued first round shots through MCH clinics across Odessa.  A big round of thanks to MCH CEO Russell Tippin, Mayor Javier Joven, Superintendent Scott Muri, and all their leadership and staff members that made Phase 1 such a success.

As always, working for a better community!

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