Yesterdays city council meeting was anything but dull. It started out with a normal course of business but fireworks would soon be heard. After being tabled a few weeks ago, citing improper use of Odessa Development Corporation’s (ODC) funds, a proposed financial assistance grant submitted by the ODC was back in the news. In Tuesday’s city council meeting ODC was again asking the council to approve a financial assistance grant in the amount of $600,000 for the Ellen Noel Art Museum. Newly appointed ODC member Kris Crow made an appealing case before city council in stating why the Ellen Noel did not legally qualify for the grant and that an exception would open the door for other non qualifying organizations to seek financial aid from ODC in the future. He went as far as furnishing a copy of his research to each council member for their review. Tim Edgmon, president of ODC plead with city council to “Vote and pass the grant for Ellen Noel Art Museum and worry about the legal issues down the road.” Mayor Joven encouraged ODC to go back to the drawing board, get their ducks in a row and come back when the Ellen Noel Art Museum is legally compliant. Steve Thompson verbally attacked Mayor Joven and other citizens throughout the hour long debate falling just short of telling Kris Crow to sit down and shut up. Odessa resident Dawn Tucker spoke out against the grant. Ellen Noel not being compliant was the least of her concerns. It is her opinion that with the downturn in economy, road conditions and peoples financial hardships due to COVID restrictions the funds could be put to better use. She also stated that she had reached out to councilman Steve Thompson on several occasions and his responses to her were dismissive.
The Ellen Noel Art Museum is a phenomenal organization that does great things in this community for school aged children and elderly alike. I am thrilled to have such an organization in Odessa but I must ask why they are willing to use tax dollars for their remodel but not willing to dip in to the more than ten million dollars that they have in the bank ($10,000,000). It is my understanding that some of those funds were donated with strings attached tying their hands on how the money could be spent. It sounds to me like the Ellen Noel is asking ODC to do exactly what they will not do. I think it is time for Ellen Noel to go back to their donors and seek approval for use of these funds to remodel the museum.
I have read much outrage about any pushback in funding this project stating that ECISD cut the budget for arts in schools and the museum has filled those shoes. Maybe this would be a good project for the ECISD board members to pick up instead of insane projects like SpaceX. In this project ECISD partnered with SpaceX to provide internet for 45 families in south Odessa, an area in which 6-8 internet providers already exist, leaving tax payers to foot the bill for more than $150,000. We have many outstanding businesses in Odessa and where spending is prohibited it is unfair to favor one business over another.
Mayor Joven on more than one occasion stated that he sought to represent the people’s interests, Denise Swanner and Mark Matta echoed his remarks. Newly elected council members Swanner, Matta and Joven continue to dig in their heels in an effort to create change and represent Odessa residents better than past council has done but continue to be out numbered 4/3.