Texas House Gives Permitless Carry A Nod

HB 1927- Relating to provisions governing the carrying of a firearm by a person who is 21 years of age or older and not otherwise prohibited by state or federal law from possessing the firearm and to other provisions related to the carry, possessing, transporting, or storing of a firearm or other weapon; creating criminal offenses.

A Diverse group of law enforcement officers from across the state gathered at the Texas Capital on Tuesday to oppose House Bill 1927 fearing the passage of this bill would make their jobs harder and more dangerous.  To no avail, the bill passed 84-56 with five Democrats voting in favor of the bill.

Members of the Texas House of Representatives initially passed HB 1927 to allow eligible Texans to carry handguns without a license to carry.  The vote came after hours of emotional debate while gun rights activists, faith leaders and gun violence prevention activists sat in the chamber watching as lawmakers from both sides considered the legislation.  The bill will need one additional vote before being sent to the Senate for consideration.

Currently the law requires Texans to have a license to carry and to obtain a license you must take a four-hour course by a licensed instructor to learn about the law, handgun use and safety and conflict resolution.  You also need to demonstrate basic shooting ability by firing at a target, pass a written exam and submit fingerprints.

For the last 20 years our students, educators, and parents have lived with the reality of school shootings.  Meanwhile, America’s gun violence epidemic, in the form of mass shootings, gun homicides, non-fatal assaults, unintentional discharges, and firearm suicides, has been infecting America’s schools.  We need meaningful action to keep our schools safe and some feel HB 1927 is a step in the right direction.

Permitless carry has long been on the wish list for some gun owners, but so far attempts to make Texas a constitutional carry state have failed in the Legislature.  Many feel that the average person does not have the skillset to respond properly if there is an active shooter situation and letting people carry guns without proper training threatens public safety.

Under HB 1927 handguns would still be prohibited inside certain places, including:

  • on the premises of businesses that has an alcohol beverage permit or license and derives at least 51% of their income from the sale of alcoholic beverages
  • on the premises where an amateur or professional sporting event is taking place, except under certain circumstances
  • on the premises of a correctional facility
  • on the premises of a state hospital or nursing home or on the premise of a mental hospital, unless authorized
  • in an amusement park

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